And the game is 10 random thoughts. Well, I've got about ten minutes before I have to start getting ready for a meeting tomorrow, so let me see what I can come up with. I guess this will be paced at 1 RPM (1 randomness per minute). Buckle up ... here goes.
- I have two toes stuck together. It's like having a webbed foot, but only between two toes, not the whole foot. The technical term for fellow geeksters is "simple syndactyly." Wasn't that a Robert Palmer song? Anyhoo ... I used to pretend I was the "Man from Atlantis" with my webbed foot. Granted I don't look anything like Patrick Duffy. But I tried to swim like he did, like a flailing, dying worm with my hands by my side and my feet together. Did you know that you really can't get far underwater flailing like a dying worm with your hands by your side and your feet together? I know ... now. And so do you.
- My great-grandfather, grandfather, dad, brother and nephew are all named George Bush. But our family is big into nicknames. My grandfather was "G.I.", my dad is Irvin, my brother is Skeeter, and my nephew is Bucky. Wackiness.
- When I was born, the doctor told my mother, "Well Helen, you have a healthy bouncing baby boy." Her reply was, "Well, if that's the best you could do." I'm still not sure what to think of that, but I bet she was drugged.
- I had three dates in college. They were with three different girls, and all within two months. I was having too much fun as a Redcoat (marching band) to date.
- I like order ... lots of order. I prefer to have things in Tupperware containers vs. packages and bags of various sizes. If I am at your house and a picture is crooked on the wall, I can't concentrate until it's straightened. Notice the numerical order of the next one. More indications of the order disorder.
- My six radio station presets, if you exclude the numbers, are Star River B Q Fish Jazz. In that order.
- I love acting ... I won some awards in high school for the one-act play, and went on to act in the dinner theater at FUMC, which was awesome.
- I hesitate to even mention this, but I LOATHE the "p" word used commonly to describe female underwear. It is the most wishy-washy, lame, gross word that I know of in the English language. Whenever someone says it, it's like someone whining. I know that God made everything, but the bad guy must have come up with this word. I think Eve originally called them "leaves" ... why didn't we just leave well enough alone and call them that? Works for me ... a bra and leaves set. No whining there.
- I played french horn, trumpet and baritone/euphonium in high school, college, and into post-college. I also love to sing. I used to sing with a group at FUMC, and one year we were invited to sing at the lighting of the Rich's Great Tree at Underground Atlanta. THAT was way cool.
- Let's wrap up (as we opened) with some more physical oddities. I'm color blind ... like for real. Not someone who has problems matching clothes, but really, genetically color blind. When I look at those circles of colored dots in the Ishihara color blindness tests, I cannot see the numbers in many of them. Oh, and I'm AB+, which is one of the rarest blood types and the universal recipient ... I can take blood from anyone. Well, I'd like to have their resume and accomplishments first, but in a pinch, I won't be picky. I'm married to an O-, the universal donor. I love that woman. And not just for her blood.
How random was that? Now I have to tag out ... let's hear from mother/daughter duo Kaye and Ann, and let's see if Ruth Allen will play the game! If not, we're going to call her a butthole (by her graces, not mine.) If I used language like that, I'd probably choose "butthead" vs. "butthole." Maintains complete distance from the leaves. Just FYI.