Monday, December 19, 2011

Who Am I? Really ...

It seems to me these days that so many people are having identity crises.  Flip-flopping politicians.  Out-of-work protestors who demand the downfall of that which helps ensure they are fed and clothed, regardless of whether or not they realize it.  Entitled people who pickup their federal aid and hop back in their Escalade to go get their nails done.

One of my favorite authors is Robert Fulghum.  He's the "All I Really Need to Know" kindergarten guy.  Perhaps you've seen the posters (as shown).  I like to think I'm complex, yet simple.  Much like he comes across.  I just read a Kindle sample of his book "What on Earth Have I Done."  I'm told I don't read much ... at least in book form.  This one may be my next conquest.  Perhaps you should take a look at it as well.  Now that I think about it, I have a Barnes and Noble gift card in my wallet.  WINNING.

But anyway ... the issues of the country (along with my continual plodding into the potential for middle-age doldrums) have given me a spark to declare who I am.  If nothing else, perhaps it will remind me who I was as time goes on.  After all, the memory does seem to give way to the ... um, hold on a sec.  What was I doing?


Oh yes ... who am I?  Let's find out, shall we?

1.  I am a Christian.  I believe that God is God, and He created what we know to be our "reality" today, even as it seems to spiral into something ugly.  He came down to Earth as a man (Happy Birthday coming up, Big J), and also exists as the Holy Spirit.  The Bible is the unwavering truth.  And I need to get to know it better.  My faith carries me.

2.  I am a husband of an extraordinary woman who graciously accepts the imperfect love I manage to give her and returns it with a love of her own.  We are permanently linked for the time we have here on this world, and I could not imagine completing this adventure with anybody else.  We complement each others strengths and weaknesses.  It's a roller coaster ride, but one I'd get back in line to ride over and over again as long as she'll sit with me.

3.  I am a father of three of the most precious, unique and impressive children.  My oldest has a heart bigger than life, and she embodies me in girl form.  My middle is a joy with her countenance and intelligence that will eventually challenge what I know (if it hasn't already.)  And my youngest who carries my name is the one who stretches me.  He has a spirit that could put an end to any energy crisis if it could be bottled up and dumped into the grid.  He is our little prayer warrior (when he slows down long enough to put his heart into it).  And eventually, once he realizes how he can wield his spirit like a sword, just look out folks.  All three of these gifts from God are going to do great things in their own right.  And I am a proud papa, indeed.  Who they are and who I am are results of the two loving, Christian families that Veda and I can claim as our own.  And I hope we are continuing a legacy of that love.

4.  I don't know if I'm in the 1% or the 53%, but I know I pay 100% of my taxes.  I don't necessarily agree with where that money goes, and I wish we could find someone who can put us back on track.  And run our government more like a business.  With fiscal accountability, even if it means we ALL have to swallow a bitter reality pill.  I am proud to claim a debt-free lifestyle (with the exception of the mortgage) and I am blessed beyond belief.  But I am eyeing a new car for 2012/2013, and I haven't saved up enough money for it.  Hmm ...

5.  I am also proud to be an American, Mr. Greenwood.   And I sincerely wish others who have the right to claim this status would be a little more respectful of the honor it is.  And for those who wish to take advantage of the blessings of being a part of this wonderful country, I wish they would do it the legal and appropriate way.  Which leads me to #6 on the list ...

6.  I am a rule follower first, then a rule maker second.  I rarely have interest in being a rule breaker.  It defeats the purpose of having them in the first place, and those who like to break the rules tend to really get annoyed when THEIR rules are the ones being ignored or broken.

7.  I love movies.  I love movies that make you think.  I love movies that make you feel.  I like to laugh at movies.  Out loud.  So that perhaps the director back in LA or wherever the movie came from will know that someone enjoyed it.  I will also cry if it's warranted.  I think that is OK and healthy.  Besides, it's usually dark in the movie theater and no one will know if you keep it below a whimper.  But let out anything more ... well, you're on your own then.

8.  I like to number things.  It's because I like order.  Perhaps you came across this in some of the historical posts here on the blog.  This one happens to be a perfect fit for #8.  So be it.

9.  I have a challenge maintaining order sometimes.  That's all I'll say about that for now.

10.  I like "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium" ...  It is a good story, great acting, and has a brilliant soundtrack behind it.  You don't realize how much the music adds to a movie until you hear the music by itself after you've seen the movie, and the songs take you back to the scenes.  They literally sound like what you saw.

11.  One of my favorite hats right now is an Australian outback hat.  Don't ask me why.  Just because.  And I like cargo shorts with drawstring tassels on the legs that I never actually tie.  They just dangle off the sides and help make my legs look a little less lanky.

12.  Five of the last six words I just wrote started with the letter "L" ... so why don't we say this blog entry was sponsored by the letter "L."  And yes, I grew up on Sesame Street.  And The Electric Company.  And Zoom.

There's bound to be more.  But I will stop at 12.  It's an even number.  And it's time you got back to work.  Or fed the chickens.  Or put your hands back on the wheel.  Or started your own list of who YOU are.  Now there's an idea.

Hello ... pleased to meet you, whoever you are. Welcome to me.  Come back often, OK?


Tuffyw said...

LOL (sorry.... I had to).

We love all the Bushes and wish we could see you more (or Moore.... sorry. Had to again)

Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Well said, Chip. You make me proud. Mom

Tanya Kennedy said...

You are an interesting and complex man Chip. I like your blog and enjoy your sense of humor. Have a wonderful holiday season!!
Tanya Kennedy

Laura Casey said...

I am impressed by your ability to carve out enough time to put your thoughts down in black and white. I am proud to say that "I knew you when" and that although it's been 100 years, I still think of you often, and hope all is well with your world. Judging by the "who you are", I know many, many people who are blessed to have you in their lives. Smiles to you, my friend.

Anonymous said...

I'll certainly be back Chip! Great post. I'm off to work on my list now & hope you'll visit on my blog from time to time. Have to warn you, though... I DON'T do lists. Maybe I'll discover why that is.

And thanks for the "white space" vote on the book cover. That's my personal preference, but I've been amazed at the number of "border" votes cast.

Keep writing, my brother, and have a Merry Christmas!

BES said...

Looking forward to numbers 13 - whatever. Your writing just draws me in ... I may just have to read all these blogs and pester you to write more.

You've got a good head on your shoulders, and seem like a person with whom I could be friends.

I appreciate your being so open with your faith.