Saturday, December 31, 2011

Start the Countdown

Only hours away.


And this year is going to be different.  I can feel it.

Mind you ... I just turned 44.  So things feel different now.  I'm cool with that.

On my birthday a few days ago, my wife took me shopping for a new suit.  Because I only have one.  (Business casual work environment).  And I was tired of only having one.  Monosuit Me.

[Dramatic pause.]

I came away with three.

The other thing I came away with were shirt colors that are "out-of-the-box" colors for me.  Purple (officially lilac), pale blue (officially "robin's egg") and some ties that I would have totally passed over.  Why get ties that I wouldn't pick?  Because I'm told they look great!  And the salesman in the store put it well ... "I don't look at a tie that I'm wearing.  Everyone else does.  And if they like what they see, then I feel good about myself!"  I can work with that notion.

This is good stuff.  Because I had grown a bit weary of "me."

Now don't get me wrong ... I like me.  Really, I do.  What's not to like?  (Don't answer that.)

Don't you ever find yourself in a bit of a rut?  The kind of rut that will land you on "What Not to Wear" and having your precious wardrobe of faded golf shirts and 80s-era Levis on display for the entire world?  And the button-downs ... a rack to themselves.  I can see Stacy London tossing them in a trash can with the evil cackle emanating from under that white stripe of hair.  Along with my two identical  pair of brown Crocs.  Well, that would be OK ... I've worn down the bottoms of those.

The end of the year is a perfect time for purging.  I pulled out five white undershirts that need to be moved to the rag bag.  I have two drawers of t-shirts that I have amassed over the years just waiting to be pared down.  Many of the clothes I have hanging up in the closet are destined for Goodwill, where they will actually be worn and not just hang there in silent protest of being passed over again and again.

I think it's OK to re-imagine yourself every now and then.  I don't call this a middle-aged crisis.  A wise friend told me he has used job changes as an opportunity to re-evaluate and rebrand.  Well, that really hasn't been an option for me ... not that I'm complaining!  I'll choose to remodel in situ.  It will be fun to see the reactions among folks who THINK they know me.  Course, every time I do wear a suit to work, many folks want to know when the preaching will start and what the message will be.

I think a revival is about to break out!

A "new you" doesn't have to be a full demolition job.  You stay true to the foundation, but you put on a new coat of paint.  (Or three, if you shop well!)  Redo the roof ... jazz up the hair a little bit (a tough proposition for some of us).  And boy, how I'd like to get rid of the ol' gutter that's hanging over the waistline.  Again.

I've got a new air about me (new cologne) and another one on the way.  Some new shoes are also on order.  And visions of dress boots are dancing in my head.

So 2012 is a new year.  New beginnings.  I'm going to dress better at work, regardless of the relaxed policy.  I find that I walk a little taller when I feel like I'm dressed better.  And I think folks treat you differently when you're showing a little confidence in yourself.  And confidence is key.

Perhaps it's not an outward appearance that's been slowly bogging you down into a funk.  Is it time to purge some inward baggage that's overdue for elimination?  Why don't you start 2012 afresh with me ... head held high, a spring in your step?  Let's make folks think, "Whoa ... what's got into him?"  (Or her.)  Perhaps we can all enjoy some newly discovered confidence as the year unfolds.

Swagger ... I'm claiming it.  Watch me.

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