Monday, August 25, 2008

A new kind of chef

Last night, I finally finished a soup I had started about a week ago.

Earlier in the year, I had a white bean soup at a downtown Atlanta restaurant, and I vowed I'd try to make it at home, because it was so good. I found a recipe and held on to it for months. Then I finally bought some dried beans, and held on to them for a while.

About a week ago, I soaked the beans, which took about 12 hours. Then I drained them and stored them, because I was too beat to make the soup by the time the beans had soaked.

But last night, I pulled out the beans and set out on the 1 hour, 5 minute prep (an unrealistic estimate from the recipe, which turned out to be almost two hours) of this cheesy white bean soup.

It was worth the wait. All the kids loved it. They kept wanting to give compliments to the chef, routing them to Veda. "Oh no ... this was your father's makings ... he's the chef of the night." And many thanks and praises came my way.

"But what about the sandwiches? I didn't make those," I admitted. "Let's say they were made by my sous chef."

Chaz took another bite of sandwich and looked at it, then turned to Veda. "Sue! These sandwiches are GREAT!"